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Our Foods

Delicious products everyone will enjoy. The new standard for vegan foods? Delectable!

Why Chloe

Our goal was to create a series of products that children could eat without sacrificing great taste while helping you feel great without the aftereffects of a gluten diet.

Chloe’s Story

The Hinnenkamp family has made it their life mission to create awareness for EoE and to help families address the dietary needs of children with a delectable vegan line of pizzas and related products.

Healthful ingredients. Loads of love.

Chloe Vegan Foods

Chloe suffers from a condition that can cause life-threatening allergic reactions to everyday foods. Her parents undertook a journey to make foods that would bring a sense of normalcy to Chloe’s life without sacrificing the great tastes that make life grand. The result is this line of pizza, better for everyone, made with love and non-GMO ingredients that replace the bad stuff with the good stuff.


The Chloe logo? It’s her signature – and seal of approval on every box. Enjoy!

Chloe’s Pizza Now Available Exclusively At Sprouts! 


Check out Sprouts.com to find the store nearest you.